1991 farce starring Sylvester Stallone, Peter Riegert, Tim Curry, Marisa Tomei, Chazz PalPalminteri, Harry Shearer.
John Landis directed this farce buoyed by stellar cast.
You may not be inclined to check out a comedy starring Stallone but everyone shines in this one.
30's gangster Spats Provolone promises his father ( a cameo by Kirk Douglas) to go straight but complications arise. Mistaken identities, misplaced suitcases, all add to the mix.
Look for Tim Curry giving Stallone elocution lessons, Tomei adorable as spoiled daughter, Riegert doing his best Bugs Bunny, Palminteri as a dim-witted henchman, Harry Shearer as one of the Fannuci Brothers tailors ( "Is not a suit...is a Fannuci")
Definitely worth a look for the great job this cast does with wacked out characters and situations
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